Parties, Season 2

Chuck’s Celebratory Brunch

WHERE: Season 2, episode 14 Scheming to take Bass Industries from Chuck, Jack convinces Blair to throw Chuck a congratulatory brunch to celebrate his getting the company. He also insists she keep it a surprise. Even for bogus parties, Blair shines once again! The champagne, the lovely brioches, the fresh fruit, simple yet supremely elegant!… Continue reading Chuck’s Celebratory Brunch


“Welcome back to the city” party

WHERE: Season 2, episode 2 Blair: This guest list, however, is a complete page one.Dorota: But those are your friends.Blair: Then invite strangers. I have to present myself as a crown jewel...surrounded by other, smaller, slightly flawed gems..but quality stones nonetheless. Queen Bee is a meretricious planner, so good that a party can be planned… Continue reading “Welcome back to the city” party


Blair Waldorf Birthday Party – 20th

EPISODE: Season 4, episode 7 Queen Bee's birthday parties are all perfectly organized but a bit of drama somehow always seems in, and her 20th birthday is no exception! Of course hand written invitations were sent (is there any other way?). Look at the beautiful stationery, with the delicate flowers in the corner. Blair wore… Continue reading Blair Waldorf Birthday Party – 20th


Blair’s parties: 17th birthday party

WHERE: Season 1, episode 8 With this post we still start a series of posts relating to Blair-hosted parties, so we can learn more about her impeccable party planning skills! Blair's 17th party was not technically hosted by Blair, but rather by Serena, but we all know that Blair had to vet every little detail… Continue reading Blair’s parties: 17th birthday party