Food and drinks, Parties, Season 2

Veuve Clicquot

WHERE: Episode 2, season 2 As Blair says to Dorota: "... the Veuve Clicquot, Laurent-Perrier, and we have a party." Blair's taste in almost anything is impeccable (except maybe men... sometimes), and when she drinks something, it is time to stand up and take notice. Ever wondered what champagne to select when looking for a… Continue reading Veuve Clicquot

Food and drinks, Season 3

Roederer champagne

WHERE: Season 3, episode 20 Blair namedrop this champagne as her current favorite.  It's not as famous as the Dom Perignon, but if Queen Bee says so, we'll definitely drink it! The stunningly beautiful Rose vintage, with the gentle, dusky pink etiquette, is just up Blair's alley visually! Visit Roederer official site here. Until next… Continue reading Roederer champagne