
“Welcome back to the city” party

WHERE: Season 2, episode 2

Blair: This guest list, however, is a complete page one.
Dorota: But those are your friends.
Blair: Then invite strangers. I have to present myself as a crown jewel…surrounded by other, smaller, slightly flawed gems..but quality stones nonetheless.

Queen Bee is a meretricious planner, so good that a party can be planned in a matter of hours and still be perfect! Especially the first party after the balmy summer holiday, it must be perfect, no?

So this is what Queen Bee did – make the library the sky terrace, for the flowers, the ranunculus, dahlias, for the drinks, Veuve Clicquot, Laurent-Perrier, for the music, a harp/flute duo, and viola, we have a party.

Here are some photos to enjoy:

Ah, even a nasty Duchess can’t really bring Blair down!

Until next time, XO XO

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