Dislikes, Season 5, TV Shows

Dislike: The Bachelor

WHERE: Season 5, episode 10

BLAIR: You’ve brought me to watch a human sacrifice or an episode of The Bachelor. Either way, I’m not happy.

Since Queen Bee has exceptional taste, her dislikes are great beanpole to measure stuff just not worth our time. So, if Bee does not like, we do not like! One of the stuff she does not like is the reality show The Bachelor. I think it speaks for itself why. It’s a pretty shallow piece of reality TV. Here is a short description of the show (taken from Wikipedia):

The series revolves around a single bachelor who begins with a pool of romantic interests from whom he is expected to select a wife. During the course of the season, the bachelor eliminates candidates (see The elimination process) each week eventually culminating in a marriage proposal to his final selection. The participants travel to romantic and exotic locations for their dates, and the conflicts in the series, both internal and external, stem from the elimination-style format of the show.

So everyone judge by yourself… But it has no value for queen Bee, obviously.

Until next time, XO XO

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