Food and drinks, Season 2

Beluga and Belvedere

WHERE: Season 2, episode 10

BLAIR: The party needs to be perfect. So blood-orange martinis or beluga and Belvedere?

Most stuff Blair eats is top notch (notice I said most, I am sure even Queen Bee has an occasional craving for junk food that she sometimes does sate), and the same with her choice of vodka. Much like her fellow sophisticate James Bond, she prefers Beluga and Belvedere brands.

There is an very good article about Beluga and Belvedere here. SOme wonderful excerpts, this one about Beluga:

The authors of the luxurious Beluga vodka strived to create a Russian vodka of the highest quality and purity. This “clear Aztec water from Siberia” boasts a noble taste and spirit. Its premium quality is a result of a unique approach to the production of this spirit. The liquid is whiter than snow and is made naturally, without any synthetic additives. When holding a bottle of this drink, focus on the details – the shape of its design, a cork embedded in wax, gift package sewn by hand by Beluga Allure.

And another one, about Belvedere:

The place of origin of the Belvedere vodka is the small Polish town of Zyrardow in the Mazovian Lowland, west of Warsaw, where it has been produced for over 600 years. This company with a long history takes pride in its original recipe and distillation method. The vodka is distilled four times from a single type of grain and the Dańkowskie Złote wheat. 

So, next time, we know which vodka to choose (if we can afford it, that is :-P). She also probably drinks this and eats caviar. Ah, tres chic!

Until next time, XO XO

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