Season 2, TV Shows

Damages (TV series)

WHERE: Season 2, episode 17

HEADMISTRESS: Ms. Waldorf, this meeting is closed to students.
BLAIR: I’m sorry for the interruption. But I have something I think almost everyone here would want to see. Headmistress, if you’d like to check your e-mail. I believe it’s called exculpatory evidence. I love Damages.

Another TV show Blair likes is Damages, the 2000s classic with Glenn Close and Rose Byrne, playing a unscrupulous lawyer and her protegee respectively. We can all see how a character like Patti appeals to Blair – there is a great deal of Blair and Patti and of Patti in Blair. Luckily, Blair herself isn’t nearly as Machiavellian as Patti is. I don’t think she would be a favorite of many of us if she were – we know that Queen Bee cam be difficult sometimes and somehow bitchy, but we also know that deep down she is a good person and will do the right thing when it’s needed).

Learn more about Damages here.

Until next time, XO XO

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